Wednesday, April 16, 2014

School-wide Meeting

Today is the middle of our school spirit week and we had a school-wide meeting! You will notice most people wearing our school colors (blue and green) in the photos below as our spirit activity today. Please have a look at the "upcoming events" section of the blog to see what the themes are for the other days this week.

During today's meeting Mrs. Mazda shared some digital reports her students had created using a great app called Haiku Deck and Mr. Antonicci lead the school in an activity. We learned that through our "drink more water" wellness challenge this month (where students have been keeping a water bottle at school, filling it up, and trying to drink more water), as a school, we have drunk more than 1,000 bottles of water so far, both leading us to be healthier and saving that number of disposable water bottles from going into landfills! Go UMS! We also learned about this year's reading challenge for April break. Students will bring home blue reading logs just before vacation and can record the number of books they read each day during break. They should then bring the reading logs back to school on the Monday or Tuesday after break. Each class is going to see if they beat the number of books read during the February break reading challenge and two students from each class who return their reading logs will get the chance to win tickets to a Lake Monsters baseball game as part of a raffle! Be on the lookout for reading logs at the end of this week.

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