Friday, April 11, 2014

Hola Mexico!

Today our class had our first Skype meeting with our pen pal class in Monterrey, Mexico! For the last few weeks our two classes have been emailing back and forth asking each other questions, sharing information about life in our towns, and sending some photos. We created a list of questions that both classes wanted to know about each other and today we got the chance to share our answers through Skype, which was so much fun! Our pen pal class is a class of Kindergartners at a private school where they speak English at school, but Spanish at home. Despite the fact that we sound different and have very different names, we discovered that we are actually very similar in many other ways. As it turned out, our answers to the questions we asked were almost all the same! We plan to keep emailing, Skype again after break, and are going to send each other a post card with pictures of our home state.

Here was the list of questions both classes wanted to know about each other:

What activities do you do after school? (we both said we have playdates, do homework, play outside, play video games, and go to the library)

What are your favorite toys? (kids in both classes said that they like stuffed animals, dolls, action figures, and Skylanders!)

What kind of pets do you have? (both classes said dogs, cats, birds, fish, hamsters)

Where do you go on vacations? (both classes said beaches and Florida! The other class said that sometimes they go to Texas since it is quite close to them or come to the USA to go skiing because there is no snow where they live)

Do you use iPads at school? (both said yes)

What do you do on weekends? (both classes said visiting family, having play dates, going to parks, hiking, playing outside)

What games do you play at recess? (both classes said soccer, going on swings, slides, and playing make-believe games)

How do you get to school each day? (both said school bus or car)

Do you wear uniforms to school? (they do, we do not)

Do you invite friends to your house in the afternoons? (both said sometimes)

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