Thursday, April 11, 2019


This month first grade has been learning about Mexico during our social studies time. Our big idea for the unit is the question, "how are we similar and different from people in a different country?" To answer this question my class always connects with a K/1 class I have a connection with in Monterrey, Mexico! As a class we email and Skype each other to ask questions and to learn the ways that we are alike and different! We did our Skype with them this past Tuesday and yesterday you would have seen a writing piece come home about this. Students in our class wrote about ways that we are similar and different from the students we "met" in Mexico based on what we talked about during our Skype. Ask your child about it!

I am adding photos below of Amate bark painting that students did in class (the Amate people of Mexico make paper out of bark and paint pictures with groups of three things on it with bright colors) as well as kids sharing reports they did on animals that live in Mexico! You should have seen those reports and paintings go home in the last few days as well.

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