Friday, April 17, 2015

Mexico Skype and Padlet

First graders are wrapping up our learning about Mexico today and our class did a couple of fantastic final activities! One of our big ideas in this country study unit has been "how are we alike and different from people/places in another country?" To think through their learning about this the kids created Venn Diagrams listing things that were similar and different about the USA and Mexico (about the people, geography, holidays, games, music, food, flag, etc). We then made a class padlet where each student could digitally share one of the things they had written on their Venn Diagram. The padlet and few photos of the Venn Diagrams are posted below.

As our final activity we did a Skype with the first grade class we have been communicating with in Monterrey, Mexico! We have been emailing and sending photos as a class and each sent each other a video introducing ourselves (they made a Google Presentation and we made an iMovie). In our videos we got to see each other, hear each other's voices, share some things we like, and ask questions to the other class. We answered each other's questions during our Skype today! I am so excited that we are part of the digital age where able to connect with people in other countries in these different ways. Learning about another country and how we are similar and different from people there was made so much more rich and meaningful by actually being able to see and talk to them! Our class had a lot of fun with this and will hopefully share about it with you at home today!

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