For the past two weeks our class has been focused on learning reading strategies to help decode (or figure out) unfamiliar words while reading. We have a reading strategy bulletin board in our classroom with eight decoding strategies posted and space to the left of them where we will add in strategies for reading comprehension, fluency, accuracy, and vocabulary expansion as the year goes on and we become stronger readers! You can see our eight decoding strategies and the bulletin board in the photos below. You can ask your child what each of these strategies means and he or she should be able to tell you. We have been practicing using these strategies during reading mini-lessons, silent reading, and in reading groups at school so you may find it helpful to refer to the same strategies when helping your child read at home! Here are the eight strategies:
Eagle Eye- look at the picture to help figure out the word
Lips the Fish- get your mouth ready to make the first sound in the word
Stretchy Snake- stretch out the sounds in the word slowly then put them together to make the word
Skippy Frog- skip the unfamiliar word, finish the sentence, think of what would make sense, then re-read the sentence adding the word in
Chunky Monkey- look for familiar word chunks (like -an, -it, etc) inside of a bigger word
Detective Kangaroo- look to see if you have already seen the word in the book you are reading and try to remember it
Tryin' Lion- if what you read didn't make sense, try again.
Flippy Dolphin- if the word didn't sound right, try flipping the vowel sound (flipping from a short vowel sound to a long vowel sound or vice versa)
Try these out at home! The kids have found that they often use more than one strategy at a time, such as using lips the fish to get the first sound of a word, then stretchy snake to stretch out the rest.
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