*Please make sure to send in signed blog permission slips so that I am able to post photos of all students and some of the great shots of our whole class together!
A note for the weeks to come: Our dismissal at the end of the day can be lengthy and students are often hungry at the end of the day. This week I let bus students sit and eat an afternoon snack while waiting to be dismissed, if they had left over snack. The pick-up and ACE students leave so quickly that they do not get a chance to eat during dismissal but most bus riders do have some time. Most students have been taking this opportunity to have an afternoon snack, so please consider packing a little bit extra in snack bags for this afternoon snack. Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend!>
- I love this photo because you can see some students in the front at a math pattern block station, and some students in the background at a painting station with me!We are starting a portrait painting project called "The Colors of Us"Painting backgrounds for "The Colors of Us"Here students are building and patterning with pattern blocks!
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